Happy Thanksgiving!!

As we approach 2 years on the road we are grateful that we are able to live our best life and share our adventures.

Thank you to our readers for your continued support and sticking with us! We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy spending time with your families!

Joe & Mrs. RVF

P.S. Happy 13th Birthday to our best friend and travel companion!


10 Essentials For Your New RV

Before you know it spring will be upon us and thus begins RV and camping season. With the huge increase in popularity for RV’s it seems like a good time to put out an updated list of 10 essentials for your new RV, all of which we use.

We have some items that are standard must-haves and part of owning an RV. Then there are some items that are essential because they make life a little easier and traveling a little more efficient and safer. There is something to be said for practical use and being full-time on the road that has given us a lot of experience in necessities of RV life.

You can find our original list from 2019 here. It’s a good list and while we are including items that are essential, we also strive to include some items that are not typically included on the standard lists people post.

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10 Must Have Products For Your RV

Our list of 10 must have products for your RV is made up of items that we use. Everyone that owns an RV or likes to camp loves their gadgets and furnishings. Quite often it feels like a never-ending search to find something that makes life a little more fun and little easier while on the road or enjoying your campsite.

In this blog we will look at some gadgets and products that are useful to the RV life. Not only are these items practical, but they don’t take up a lot of space. And every person who owns an RV knows that space is always at a premium.

Here are 10 must have products that every RV owner should consider.

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September 2021 Financial Update

Well it finally happened, we had a negative return month. This is our first month in the red since January, which is pretty remarkable, and even in January we were barely negative. In fact we would have to look back to October 2020 for the last significant negative month which shows that a correction was probably long over due. Of course everyone, including us, loves to see their portfolio go up month after month but in reality that is not healthy or sustainable. While it’s never fun to see your portfolio decrease, sometimes dramatically, these pullbacks create the opportunity to take up new positions, add to existing positions or to dollar cost average. Plus they are a healthy aspect of a long term investment strategy.

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RV Camping and Glamping Favorites

It’s been awhile since we have done a blog for our favorite RV camping and glamping products and gadgets. A lot has changed since we created our original lists of Favorite Gadgets, RV Essentials, Budget Items and Dog Essentials. Most of the things on those lists we still use but now that we are full time there are also some new items we started using and some other items we have considered purchasing that other RV’ers have recommended to us.

Since our previous posts are now a couple of years old and camping season is heating up it seems like a great time to do a blog with an updated list. In this blog we will list RV camping and glamping favorites that we use or have used in the past as well as some items that are popular with other campers. If we do not use the product it will be noted to avoid any confusion.

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Popular Camping Products

In previous blogs we wrote about our favorite gadgets and essentials for your new RV in which we listed items we love using now or have enjoyed using in the past during our travels.

I read a lot of blogs and belong to a lot of RV groups and there are many gadgets and products that are very popular with RV’ers and campers. We thought it would be a fun idea to change it up a little and create a list of these items since they are popular and everyone’s needs are different. Please note that we have not used any of these products. Continue reading “Popular Camping Products”

RV Essentials Dog Edition

One of the things we enjoy most is taking our dog with us on road trips. He is our four-legged family member who brings joy to our lives and makes our home complete. He also loves the camping glamping lifestyle as much as we do, as you can see.

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